A few months ago partners from International Justice Mission from African Countries of Kenya and Uganda came to Malawi with an aim of finding strategies aimed at curbing Gender Based Violence in Women and Children across Africa.
Whilst in the country the grouping was geared up, to working with various stakeholders in the fight against GBV, and organized interface meetings that helped in sharing ways on how to curb Violence.
The Blantyre Child Protection Network is one platform which has a 9 year existing strategy whose aim is enforcement of full protection of the rights of women and children and end violence.
Ending GBV and protecting the rights of children is as well one of the thematic areas under the Blayaco’s plan of action.
Malawi is a country in the southern part of Africa, being landlocked Malawi is subjected to various human rights related violations including human trafficking and child labor, meanwhile Malawi is also amongst a few countries whose rate of violence is beyond par.
But what could be the challenges facing the fight against GBV in Malawi and Africa at large, the grouping of international partners discovered that, among others, lack of resources, inadequate working spaces for law enforcers and many more.
In 2008 the Malawi Police Service introduced “community policing” as an approach to promote enhanced safety and security through strengthened partnerships with the community and all stakeholders.
The Malawi Police service established the victim support unit services at three hundred and sixty four police formations, including stations, sub stations, posts, and police units across the country.
At-least two officers trained to handle violence in child friendly, gender sensitive and victim centered way.
Meanwhile, according to client satisfaction survey the Malawi Police have it on record that the survey revealed positive experiences of the Victim Support Unit.
And on their part Bwalo La Ana Active Youth Community Organisation BLAYACO through it’s Executive Director Samuel Kamanga have prioritized Child Protection and governance as it is one of the key indicators of development on their 3 year blueprint.
In the action plan Blayaco has various goals including, ending child marriages, child labor, forced marriage, sex trafficking and defilement.
According to the international partners, Networking with various stakeholders in the fight against GBV is the only solution for African countries to curb the vice.
Conquering with the international partners is BLAYACO and the Malawi Police which include that SMS reporting, One school One police officer, and community engagement is also a key to curbing Gender Based Violence.